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TRUE VOICE - Communication Mala


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Communication should be a process where we try as clearly and accurately as we can, to understand and convey our thoughts, intentions and objectives - and as a listener - to do the same for others. But too often unexamined feelings are the starting point of communication and we speak from a place of resentment, blame and unmet expectations. Genuine communication starts with understanding why you want to do or say something and then with your intention clear – conveying what you want to say respectfully and empathetically - from a place of center and balance. Dropping negative patterns and moving to a place of consciousness will make for deeper, truer and more heartfelt communication. 

This TRUE VOICE Mixed Amazonite Mala can help support your intention to create truer, more appropriate and more heart-filled communication in your life.  Work with it to deepen your meditation and yoga practices. 

“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. ” - Roy T Bennett