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Chakra Malas  have been to help you work with the energies of crystals to activate and balance your chakra centers. Each has gemstone crystals that vibrate to the different chakras combined with Rudraksha seeds, which have strong positive vibrational energy and aid in healing.  Chakra malas are tied in traditional mala patterns and have been made to be more 'robust', for wearing every day to assist your work; with strong nylon thread and finished with a nylon thread tassel.

Choose the mala that vibrates the energies for your chakra balancing 

The Chakra System: The body contains seven Chakras, or energy vortices and the goal is to work toward balance in each for these energy centers. Each chakra governs specific bodily functions of the organs in the body close to the area where they are located. All of the chakras have specific colors that can be used to heal and balance them.

The Throat Chakra is your fifth chakra - and the chakra where you find your voice and expression. It is called Vishuddha, which means purification and is about learning to express your life with utmost authenticity. It is responsible for the energy to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and intentions clearly and accurately. The Third Chakra taught you to act, the Heart Chakra encouraged you to open your heart - now you learn that every thought, every action, every word - has consequences - and therefore must come from a place of truth and compassion - to others and yourself.  This chakra teached us to speak, listen, create, discover, and live in our truth.The lesson of the Throat Chakra is Truth and it is brought out of alignment by Self Doubt.  

This I COMMUNICATE Throat Mala vibrates to the energy of the Throat Chakra; made with 108 Sodalite beads and Rudraksha seeds (8mm) and hand knotted on silk cord with one knot between each seed. It has a  Sunset Sodalite guru bead and is finished with a peaches, blues and whites handmade tassel.  

Wear it and feel anchored, honest and imbued with expressive energies

Beads: Sunset Sodalite, Rudraksha seeds

Guru: Sunset Sodalite

Bead size: 8mm

Tied pattern: 108 Mala

Length (top to tassel end): 23" (59.5cm)