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TRUE CONNECTION - Heart Chakra Mala


Anahata - the Heart Chakra is your fourth chakra - and the vital bridge between your three lower physical chakras and your three upper spiritual chakras. It is called Anahata (meaning unhurt or unstruck) as it symbolizes the purity of the sound of the celestial realm - of two forces that have never touched.  The heart is the mediator between body and spirit and the center and is responsibile for enabling you to give and receive love with compassionate energy and joy. This allows you to move through life with an open heart and better connect with the divine within you. The lesson of the Heart Chakra is to learn to love Unconditionally - and it is brought out of alignment by Disconnection.    

This TRUE CONNECTION Moss Agate Mala has been made to vibrate with the energies of the Heart Chakra. It can help support you in activating and balancing your 4th Chakra to create a life filled with boundless love. Work with it to deepen your meditation and yoga practices. 

Intense love does not measure, it just gives. Mother Teresa